Now Available: New SGW Package

Finally available: From 01 October 2024, you will be able to unlock and fully diagnose vehicles from the VAG Group with the diagnostic devices from LAUNCH Europe. This applies to popular brands such as Volkswagen, Audi, Cupra, Seat, Skoda and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. This new function is a significant advance for workshops that regularly work with VAG vehicles.

As part of EU Regulation 2018/858, many vehicle manufacturers have protected access to vehicle electronics with so-called Security Gateway (SGW) modules. These modules make access to the OBD interface more difficult and thus prevent direct communication between diagnostic devices and vehicles. This serves to protect vehicles from unauthorised access, but at the same time makes diagnosis and repair more difficult for authorised workshops.

To be able to unlock and diagnose VAG vehicles from 1 October 2024, you will need the new VAG SGW activation. However, this is only available in the SGW package from LAUNCH Europe. Individual activations for VAG or other manufacturers are no longer offered separately. The SGW package offers a comprehensive solution for all supported brands and is therefore a future-proof investment for your workshop.

  • 1 Year FCA activation for FIAT Chrysler Automobiles
  • 1 Year Mercedes activation
  • 50 Renault Tokens for Renault and Dacia
  • New: VAG SGW activation for all brands of the VAG Group

With this package, you not only receive the necessary VAG SGW activation, but also access to the diagnostic options of other leading manufacturers. This allows you to utilise the full range of functions of your diagnostic equipment and means you are ideally equipped for the future.

Das SGW Paket bleibt weiterhin zum Preis von 499 € zzgl. MwSt. erhältlich. Kunden, die bereits ein gültiges SGW Paket besitzen, profitieren zudem von einem besonderen Angebot: Die VAG SGW Freischaltung wird kostenlos bis zum 31.12.2024 hinzugefügt – ein echter Vorteil für treue Kunden.

A complete package for all needs: The SGW package offers full diagnostic capabilities for all supported brands in a single package.

Future-proof: With the SGW package, you are always up to date with the latest manufacturer safety regulations and can easily diagnose future vehicle models.

No separate licences: All activations are bundled in the SGW package – this saves time and effort in licence management and offers real added value for your workshop.

From 1 October 2024, you will be able to unlock and fully diagnose all new VAG models. Make sure you are ready for this challenge – with the SGW package from LAUNCH Europe!

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